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Astrology and Energy Management

Writer's picture: Jennifer ClairJennifer Clair

Your natal chart can be viewed as your cosmic energy map.  It can teach you where to put your energy and how to use your energy for greatest fulfillment and physical vitality.

Isn’t it a luxury to be able to choose where to put your energy every day?  To be able to decide to listen to an uplifting audio book instead of the news?  Or to say yes to yoga instead of working an extra hour?  How about saying no to an invitation that you know would drain you?  It is vital we recognize our power to choose.  Because what we choose to pay attention to each day becomes the inner landscape of our psyches. 


Your energy is valuable, just like your time is valuable.  What we pay attention to, we attract/become.  So, let’s explore how the right use of our energy via astrology can help us become all we are meant to be.

Using Your Energy Wisely

Similar to the concept of opportunity costs (which says we can only vacillate over our decisions so long before we actually have to make one), regarding energy, we only have so much to use before we get burned out and must rest to recharge.  When we choose to use our energy in purposeful ways, we often find we have more energy left over to carry out less essential tasks afterward.  But if we do this in the reverse order - using up our energy in the wrong places and the wrong ways - over time, we jeopardize the fulfillment of our life purpose.


Astrologically, let’s look at some examples of how you could be using energy unwisely and burning yourself out physically.  Say you have no planets in the seventh house of marriage, and no major aspects there, yet you are supplying the majority of your energy here to make things work with your partner.  And, on top of that, your North Node (life purpose point) is in Aries, in the 10th house (translation: you are meant to be more independent in this life and place more emphasis on your career and who you are becoming).   


In this scenario, you’ve gotten yourself knee-deep in “domestic responsibilities” while catering to a spouse who doesn’t even seem to appreciate you.  This is one example that illustrates why it’s so wise to consult your natal chart before making any major life decisions.  Because, in the long run, when you follow the evolution of your Soul – which is clearly laid out for you in your chart - your personality wins too.  You get the things that end up bringing you your greatest joy.


Here is another example: You have your North Node in Libra, yet you bounce from relationship to relationship, swearing you’ll never settle down because you like the “freedom of being alone.”  That is your South Node talking, and it’s completely natural that you would feel this way – initially – but it’s not how you are supposed to go through life (as an independent loner who only looks at relationships as an opportunity for fun).  The North Node in Libra placement is guiding you to learn how to cohabitate harmoniously with another and stick with that person through thick and thin.  This is for your highest evolution – so you can grow from the shared experience of bonding with another.  Your highest calling in this life is literally to evolve through relationships, and you obviously can't do that alone! 


The Elements and Your Energy

Each of the 12 zodiac signs uses their energy differently based on their modes, elements, and polarities.  Understanding your dominant makeup helps you realize why you act the way you do, and how to align yourself to behaviors that are most suitable – and natural – for you. 

The elements tell us a lot about how you naturally exert your energy, so learning which zodiac sign coincides with which element is extremely helpful. To get a full understanding of this, please see my blog An Overview of the Elements or Elements, Modes, and Polarities.

Let’s look at an example of someone with a lot of fire in their chart.  This would be Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.  Here, the person would convey a lot of passion, a lot of conviction, and a strong desire to be seen, heard, and felt.  They want to know they’re making an impact on you.  Their energy is extroverted, enthusiastic, and assertive.  These folks make excellent entertainers, lawyers, politicians, religious leaders, personal trainers, and firefighters.  They are characterized by an energy that needs to be expressed physically and externally


But what if a fire sign is working in an office setting as a social worker?  And their workload involves managing a lot of personal chaos and emotional drama with little opportunity for physical movement?  This person would likely get so burnt out that they may develop a psychological problem themself!


Now, if this individual had more water in their chart, like perhaps Scorpio, Cancer, or Pisces, they would be far more equipped to deal with intense emotions and interpersonal difficulties.  This career would probably even excite them because they could help people in a way that they are wired to do – and that feeds their Soul. 


Air signs would be best in intellectual positions where they can generate the most energy from their hardworking brains, and Earth signs are going to enjoy a wide range of activities as long as they show proof of productivity.  Earth signs need to create something and make something tangible while serving others in the process.   


A Personal Note

I have Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that chronically affects my energy levels.  Thus, I am hyperaware and uber-passionate about energy management.  Using my own astrology chart as a guide, I have effectively closed off my energy to specific areas and activities that do not serve me and rerouted my energies more intently to the places that do. Practicing this has brought great balance and peace to my life, and I want it to do the same for you!


This is what motivated me to write a blog on astrology and energy management.  Nothing beats personal experience, and from it, fervent conviction.  My conviction is that astrology can help us better manage our energy so we can live our best lives and feel physically great while doing it.


In Conclusion:

By studying your natal chart’s house placements and dominant elements, you can learn where to exert your energy and where to conserve it.  You can look at your North Node to recognize the energy signature you are moving toward and the South Node as the energy signature you are moving away from.  Once you learn how to channel your personal energies based on your unique astrological makeup, you can find increased peace of mind and more vitality to thrive.   

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