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An Overview of the Elements

The elements are an essential component to astrology and to your understanding of the signs. Your birth chart is comprised of four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Although you may have one specific element that makes up the majority of your personality, you most certainly have them all somewhere.

Here is a list of the four elements with their respective signs:

Fire: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Earth: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

Air: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

Water: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Understanding your dominant nature can often be expressed through the elements most prevalent in your chart. Take a look at your natal chart now and see how many planets you have in Fire, Earth, Air, and Water signs. Then look at your three main signs which are the Sun, Moon, and Rising signs followed by Chiron and the Lunar Nodes.

Once you have an idea of what’s most dominant in your chart you can hone in on the elements that represent you the most. That said, don’t forget that even if you don’t have any planets or major placements in Fire signs, for example, you still have Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo somewhere in your chart ruling an entire area of your life!

You’ll also have all the Fire planets: Mars, Jupiter, and the Sun to consider - even if they are in Air, Water, or Earth signs. So, you really do embody all the elements in one way or the other. And this is why it's a good idea to reorient yourself now to recognize where they show up in your chart!

Once you’ve found where these less obvious elements reveal themselves in your chart, it will help you to use them as planes of connection with people who you thought you never had anything in common with. Finding out where your Mars or Jupiter lives, for example, can help you get along better with your Aries and Sagittarius friends!

To understand the way an element flavors our personality we have to bring it down to the basics:

Fire is about heat; it’s about the spark that ignites action, the warm glow of a roaring fireplace, and the energy provided by fire on the stove to cook our foods so we can absorb nutrients. Fire signs, as Steven Forrest puts it, are the Life-Givers.

Earth: Think the ground. The ground you walk on when your feet are bare. The forest floor dusted with fallen leaves, the smell of fresh cut grass in the summertime. Earth signs naturally bring us down to Earth. They enliven our senses and remind us we are living in a physical body that actually needs physical nourishment. Earth signs are most rooted in reality, in the here and now, and they can be relied upon to get practical tasks done.

Air: Think invisible. You cannot see the air just as you cannot see your thoughts. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t there, and it doesn’t mean they aren’t extremely powerful in directing the events of your life. Air signs think. They ponder, they analyze, they interpret, and they gather data. They value communication and communication systems so human brains can connect and evolution becomes possible.

Water: Think movement. Imagine waves crashing against the shore, or a river flowing downstream. Water comes in many forms: ice cubes, steam, and free-flowing water from your sink. Can you relate this to your passing emotions? Thank goodness we never stay in sadness for very long, or grief. We have other emotions to balance us out, like joy and peace. The Water signs rule our emotions and the passage of them through us. Water also rules the organ most connected to our feelings, the heart. Without Water, how could we feel? Have empathy? And be inclined to reach out to those in need?

Here are some keywords to get you familiarized with the attitudinal framework of each element:

Fire: Passionate, assertive, bold, fun-loving, adventurous, freedom-bound, and energized.

Earth: Grounded, practical, thorough, self-disciplined, motivated by material, financial, or personal success. Connects most easily to the physical world, the five senses, the body, and the day-to-day responsibilities of life.

Air: Mentally oriented, Curious, perceptive, intelligent, aloof, relational, analytical, inventive, and independent.

Water: Heart-centered, emotionally intelligent, psychically in tune, withdrawn, moody, sensitive, and compassionate.

Now let’s take a look at what the world would be like without these elements:

If we did not have fire, it would be hard for us to ever want to get up and do anything. We’d be more prone to depression and feeling down. We wouldn’t bounce back as easily when something bad happened. Fire signs help us get out of our heads and into the world around us. They are not afraid to engage, to live, and to take risks.

The Air signs, on the other hand, help us to think through things logically before we go cliff diving without first learning how to swim. Air signs bring us inspiration, solutions to problems, and well-thought-out plans. They make us laugh, think, and ponder new philosophies about life. Without Air signs we would not evolve as a human race because we would not have the minds to change; we would not have progressive ideas to carry out new laws that bring positive changes to society.

The Water signs drop us right into the center of our hearts, helping us feel before we react. They teach us emotional intelligence with their compassion for humanity and all its shortcomings. The Water signs heal us, nurture us, and help us transform the wounded parts of our Ego into higher expressions of the Divine. Without them, the world would be a sad, unforgiving place indeed. These are the wise elders, counselors, teachers, mediums, and healers. Whenever you need a place to unravel your feelings and hear the whispers of your soul, find a Water sign willing to console.

Then there are the Earth signs, which bring us right back down to Earth through our physical bodies. Earth signs rule the five senses, business and financial matters, and the ability to serve in a practical way. They inspire us to stick with the things we start, to accomplish our goals, and to better ourselves. They are the hard workers, lovers of nature, and Shamans who remind us to heal our bodies through natural means; to look no further than our natural world for solutions to our health, and to cherish the simple pleasures of life. They are attuned to the body’s natural wisdom and make excellent doctors, nurses, massage therapists, energy healers, and many other holistic health professionals.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog on the elements and that you can now relate a bit more to your loved ones!

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