1) What is the difference between a natal chart reading and a transit chart reading?
A natal chart reading is an imprint of you and all the details that make up your personality. The natal chart is literally a map of the sky at the exact moment and location of your birth. Thus, it is a highly personalized interpretation of your cosmic makeup. All the positions of the planets and zodiac signs are frozen in time, so they will always be reliable guideposts for you to come back and reference when you have lost your way or forgotten who you are.
In a natal chart reading, I cover all the planets and major aspects, so you have a thorough understanding of what makes you tick and why you think and act the way you do. I also cover the other significant points such as the North and South Lunar Nodes because these tell us about your life purpose and past life karma. Then, I review your core wound, Chiron, because understanding Chiron helps you navigate your emotional triggers with more acceptance, tolerance, and grace. Lastly, I cover your Part of Fortune and describe what your Moon phase says about you.
What you will receive from a natal chart reading is a thorough understanding of who you are astrologically, and what dominant themes and lessons your Soul came in to experience.
*With every reading, you’ll receive a video recording as well as all my personalized notes taken in preparation for your session.
A planetary transit chart reading goes beyond just your natal imprint and helps us see what current happenings and life transitions are affecting you now. Transit chart readings are excellent after a natal chart reading when you are looking for guidance and direction. This is because a transit chart looks at the moving planets in the sky and measures how they are aligning to your natal planets which tells us what areas of life are lighting up and asking for your attention.
Transit charts help illuminate the current lessons your Soul is asking you to learn, and they give you guidance on how to best navigate the changes occurring in your life. For example, your transit chart could reveal it’s time to focus on your career more than family life, or it could tell us when it’s an opportune time to meet someone or embark on higher education.
The reason transit chart readings are so effective is because they relieve us from unnecessary pressure and guilt. So much of the time we end up pushing ourselves against the current of life when life is simply asking us to let go, surrender, and trust. Transit charts show us where to let go and where to apply more effort. It’s as simple and as clear as that. ​​
2) How often should I get a reading?
The answer to this question depends on your specific needs and goals. A natal chart reading is good to have whenever you need a refresher on yourself, your purpose, and the traits you are here to develop. Many people forget over the years what their natal charts say, so they may benefit from a natal chart review every couple of years. It is also true that no astrologer could explain every detail of your chart in one sitting. There are just two many layers and not enough time. This is one reason I offer follow up readings after an inital natal chart reading. The follow up gives us extra time to examine more details and address specific questions after we have gathered the main "lay of the land."
Transit chart readings are beneficial more frequently because they are constantly changing and telling us new information about our lives. I suggest at least two transit chart readings per year, first to see what your dominant themes are, and second to review how far you’ve come and ensure you’re still on track with your goals.
Beyond that, there are many times in between that people come for a reading because they simply have questions about their lives and want clarity. Here are some of those examples:
~ You’re thinking about changing careers but don’t know what’s next
~ You’re thinking about leaving a partnership or starting a new one
~ You’ve just met someone and want a compatibility reading
~ You are going through a major life transition such as the loss of a loved one, becoming an empty-nester, or experiencing a complete identity crisis
~ You simply want to know what’s ahead for you and how to best prepare yourself
3) What if I don’t know my exact birth time?

If you don’t know your exact birth time, that shouldn’t stop you from getting a reading. First, you can still get a wealth of information about yourself through the Lunar Nodes of the Moon (which tell you about your life purpose and past life karma). We can also learn about your dominant nature and how you most effectively express yourself (through the Sun sign and Mercury), and in most cases, we can discover your emotional default behavior too (based on the Moon) as long as it stays within the same sign throughout your birthday.
Beyond that, you can learn about your values, the way you love, how you communicate to get your needs met, and the way you use energy most effectively in the world. We can also dive into Chiron, the wounded healer, and discover what triggers you most based on your core wound. From this information, we know how you can heal yourself and become less reactive overtime.
So, although there are some details you won’t have without your exact birth time, I can certainly still provide enough information to help you understand your dominant nature, core needs, and life purpose!
4) Do I look at progressions and solar arcs?
Yes, I most certainly do. I don’t list these out in any of my service descriptions because many people do not know what they are. But I always pull solar arc and secondary progressed charts whenever I do a planetary transit chart reading to see all major themes and upcoming events.
Do you have other questions? Please contact me.