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The Archetypal Energy of Planets

Writer's picture: Jennifer ClairJennifer Clair

Updated: May 25, 2024

This blog will help you identify the meaning of each planet in your birth chart. But I'm warning you: this is a long blog... so grab a cup of coffee and kick your feet up!

All of the planets, including Pluto, the Sun, and the Moon will be addressed here.  But before I begin, I want to define the word archetype.  An archetype is an original model or ideal example given to us by any symbol or inherited patten of thought derived from past collective experience and present in the individual consciousness. 

In other words, archetypes are symbols outside of us that represent something happening within us.  They give us a basis for understanding why we act the way we do.  Particularly, in a form of energy that expresses through us via our personalities, thoughts, and behaviors.

The planets each represent a part of our mind, and each one has a specific agenda it wants us to fulfill for our Soul’s highest evolution.  Here is a wonderful quote by the Bhagavad Gita to illustrate how they planets work within our psyche:

“In examining our knowledge of ourselves, the sages made a similar discovery.  Instead of a single coherent personality, they found layer on layer of components – senses, emotions, will, intellect, ego – each in flux.  At different times and in different company, the same person seems to have different personalities.  Moods shift and flicker, even in those who are emotionally stable; desires and opinions change with time.  Change is the nature of the mind.”

~ The Bhagavad Gita

So... if you have ever felt like a walking contradiction, welcome to astrology!  Just as this quote speaks of “layer on layer of components,” you have different layers of personality that are reflected back to you from your birth chart via the planets.  Here you have ten major archetypes that all want different things, and all want to be expressed in different styles!


To begin our discussion on how the planets represent different archetypal energies within us, let’s first start with the five personal planets (these include the luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, as well as Mercury, Venus, and Mars).

Personal Planets:

Sun: Our vital essence, our most authentic self.  This is the part of us that represents our "healthy" ego, our will, and the strongest identification we have with ourselves.  The qualities of our Sun sign are those we are here to develop and focus on most in order to express our dominant personality and act out behaviors that will serve us best in this lifetime.

The Sun also represents our wants.  This means that it is the sign that gives us desires and goals to achieve.  It motivates us with strong ambitions from within so that we can accomplish our greatest dreams in life.

In astronomy, the Sun is the center of the solar system and all the planets orbit around it.  It is the same in astrology, in that the Sun sign we embody is the centermost part of us.  All the other parts of our psyche (planets) must respect the Sun sign and honor its goals, desires, and ambitions. 

Our Sun sign is who we are and what we are learning to become in this lifetime.  It is our Soul’s objective to enhance this energy if we are to be our most empowered, authentic selves.   

Moon: Our emotional self; what we need to receive in order to feel emotionally safe and secure.  The Moon can be considered our “emotional default behavior” because it shows us the way we act when we are reacting to strong emotions within us.   Are we explosive in anger?  Or do we repress our feelings?  Our Moon sign can help us answer that. 

It can also tell us what we run to when life gets hard, and when we need to feel comforted.  The Moon, above all, tells us what we need in life to feel happy.  Remember, the Sun is our wants and the Moon is our needs. We can survive without our wants, but we will surely wither away if our emotional needs are not met. If we don’t honor our Moon sign, our hearts will be starved of the nourishment they crave.  To dive deeper into your own Moon sign and learn about its significance in your chart, check out my online class, Understanding Your Moon Sign.

The Moon can also tell us about how we receive intuition.  Some people feel more, while others get claircognizant, clairvoyant, or clairaudient insights.  We all have many ways to receive our intuition, so knowing your Moon sign can help you increase your own intuitive powers.   

Mercury: Our mind.  How we think, perceive information, learn, and communicate.  Mercury’s sign in your chart shows what archetypal characteristics you express to the world through your intellect.  Are you practical and direct in your communications?  Or dreamy and metaphorical?  Do you learn in a visual way or kinesthetic way?   Your Mercury sign can clue you in on how you need to learn to retain information as well as how you are likely to communicate messages to others.  It is, above all, your dominant communication style. 

Understanding your Mercury sign can help you express your communication needs clearly to others, while knowing someone else’s Mercury sign can greatly improve your ability to effectively communicate with them. 

Venus: This is the relationship planet, and it tells us how you love, what you value, and what you need in a partner.  Venus also tells us about your spending habits (what you are likely to spend money on) and what you find aesthetically pleasing.  Knowing your Venus sign will help you identify qualities to bring out to increase feelings of peace and harmony in your life. 

Because Venus is the planet of love, we want to make sure we understand all about our Venus sign because it is going to tell our partner how we need to be loved.  Sagittarius Venus?  Your partner needs to know you value freedom, space, and roaming room more than most.  Cancer Venus?  You need emotional vulnerability, sensitivity, and nurturing qualities from your partner. 

Your Venus sign also tells us the way that you give love as well.  So, if you consider the five love languages, your Venus sign can describe what ways you want to be loved.  For example, Air signs may want words of affirmation, Earth signs may want acts of service or gifts, Water signs may want quality time or touch, and Fire signs may want touch or quality time.

Mars: The God of War.  Mars represents the warrior archetype in us all.  It’s where our most assertive, and physically active personality resides.  Mars tells us where we naturally “run hot” and thus, need a physical outlet to release all the excess energy.  It also describes our sexual nature – so what we need to feel physically satisfied in a relationship.   

The house placement of Mars tells us where you have more motivation and drive to get things done, and the sign of Mars tells us how you express this most instinctual, primal behavior.  Is your Mars in Aries?  Then you are a true leader embodying courage and a pioneering spirit.  But with all this fiery energy you need to guard against anger outbursts and impulsivity.  What if Mars is in Pisces?  Then you’ll feel more drawn to express your powerful energies through creative and imaginative pursuits which could look like painting or poetry. 

It can also mean that one’s spiritual life becomes the dominant focus, and this Mars energy is used to bring out Pisces’ deepest layers of consciousness and to connect to higher realms.  The point is that Mars shows us where and how you take initiative in life.  It shows us what kind of energy you stand for, you embody, and what you are here to protect. 

Your Mars sign, and its qualities, show us how you go about achieving your deepest desires and the way you use your energy in life to get what you want.  In this way, Mars and the Sun work very well together.  If you know what you want (your Sun sign) you use your Mars sign's qualities to achieve it. 

Social Planets:

*These planets are like the bridge planets between the personal and the transpersonal planets.  They each play very different roles in astrology: one is about expansion and growth (Jupiter) while the other is about restriction and limitation (Saturn).  Learning to balance these two energies individually is integral to our collective growth.

Jupiter: The planet of luck and abundance.  Think expansion, growth, and good fortune.  I call this planet the “matchmaker” because it matches whatever effort you put forth to achieve your goals.  Think of it like the company you work for that offers to match your 401K contribution.  The difference between Jupiter and your company, is that Jupiter has no limit!  So, the more you believe in yourself, the greater your results will be.

Jupiter is always asking you, “Are you dreaming big enough?”  It wants to bless you but first you must recognize your worthiness to receive.  Jupiter wants us to stay open and keep learning so we never block our opportunities for success.  Wherever you have Jupiter, in both your natal chart (for permanent blessings over time) and your transit chart (for temporary opportunities that require your immediate action), you'll want to pay attention, because you are always capable of bringing in more good fortune here. 

Saturn: The planet of hard work.  The harder you work, the more rewards you will reap over time.  Where you have Saturn is where you need the most self-discipline and persistence because Saturn is challenging you not to give up.  It is building resilience and tenacity in you which will help you achieve your lifetime goals and fulfill your “worthy work.”  Thus, with Saturn, you’ll need to face your responsibilities head on, act maturity, and submit yourself humbly to the work at hand.  Don’t give up.  Commitment is key.  Saturn’s fruits will come overtime – not overnight. 

Whatever sign you have Saturn in tells us something about your work ethic; the way you go about accomplishing your goals.  Are you a steady, reliable Taurus?  Or a “go your own way” Aquarius?  Are you a free-spirited Sagittarius?  Or a duty-bound Virgo?  Certain Saturn signs will have a harder time staying the course simply due to their opposing natures, while others find great stability in their Saturn signs.  The key is to become aware of your Saturn sign and then read up on how to best bring out the positive qualities of this sign/planet combo.  And whatever you do, don’t try to take shortcuts or act without upmost integrity, because Saturn will not be an easy archetype to work with if you choose laziness, co-dependency, or a laissez faire attitude in the area of life where you are here to learn about taking responsible action. 

Collective (Transpersonal) Planets:

Uranus: The planet of sudden change.  Uranus gives us our greatest opportunity for personal evolution because it sparks within us a deep need for individuation and personal freedom.  If we ignore the internal call for change, Uranus presents us with unexpected external events that wake us up to our truest selves.  The danger comes if we are not living in alignment with who we really are at our core (Sun sign) and if we ignore the subtle signs from the Universe which are continually beckoning us to make self-growth enhancing changes. 

When we are on track, living authentically, taking actions that are aligned to our individual needs, a Uranus transit can bring forth fresh insights, new ideas, innovations, and inventions that humanity needs to advance.  It’s an amazingly helpful planet that aims to advance our civilization by showing us better ways to act, live, and create.  But in order to do this, it needs certain individuals to act through who have the readiness in consciousness.  Those who are clear mentally, walking their authentic path, and open to Divine inspiration will readily be used by Uranus!

So, if you are not feeling aligned to actions that best suit you, it may be time to make a change in your life before Uranus initiates it unexpectedly for you.  Remember, all of the planets have one goal in mind: our evolution.  NONE of them are trying to make life hard.  They are simply catalysts for our induvial and collective growth.  They are mirror reflections of our own thoughts, feelings, and instincts.  When a specific planetary transit comes along, this is when we feel urges within us that tell us we are in need of something new for the next phase of our evolutionary growth.  If you can look at all planets this way, you will feel more guided and supported by them, rather than fearful and powerlessness because of them.

Neptune: The planet of spirituality and mysticism.  Neptune asks, “How do you connect with the Divine?”  “What is your meaning for God?”  And, “Do you have a spiritual base from which you grow?”  Neptune challenges us to embrace all of humanity and see everything and everyone as one.  The downside is that it can also get us caught up in illusions, seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, and escaping into fantasies if we are not grounded and mentally stable.  Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, so where Venus wants to love one person, Neptune wants to love all of humanity.  This is good, as long as it does not cause us to lose perspective and lose ourselves in the process.

Neptune can bring enlightenment or delusions depending upon how “awake” we are in unity consciousness.  Unity consciousness views all as one and acts from a place of compassion and non-judgment.  This is Neptune in its highest octave.  But in its lowest, we see Neptune showing up as escapism, addiction, and other self-numbing behaviors.  The reason this is the case is that some people can get lost in imaginary realms – mistaking “checking out” for spiritual enlightenment.  True spiritual enlightenment recognizes that although we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we are still humans for the time being and we all have a place in society and a way we are called to serve, show up, and be present to all the 3D realities we are faced with.  

So, where you have Neptune in your chart, you may want to ask yourself the following questions:

·       Am I living in denial about anything here?

·       Am I truly present and available to serve others openly and genuinely here?

·       Am I embracing a spiritual, open-minded, and compassionate view towards others and myself in this area of life?” 

The sign Neptune is in will tell you the way you approach the mystical, spiritual, or religious matters of life.  Are you dedicated and traditional (Capricorn)?  Or are you free-spiritual, and non-conventional (Sagittarius or Aquarius)?  When you know your Neptune sign you can honor your spiritual life with more ease and grace.  It’s not about repeating the beliefs your parents taught you or those which your ancestors practiced, it’s about creating and becoming comfortable with your own beliefs, whatever they are.    

Lastly, when you have a Neptune transit, depending upon what other planets are involved, it may simply be about resting more.  When we “go, go, go” it’s hard to tune in to our intuition.  The planet Neptune, above all, wants us to tap into our inner Guru and learn to trust the wisdom we have within. 

Pluto: Lord of The Underworld. Pluto has gotten a bad reputation in astrology, but that doesn’t’ mean we have to fear it.  In its highest octave, Pluto is about coming into our power and claiming our worth.  It’s about radical self-transformation that can only come after we have accepted our current state with grace and compassion.  Yes, Pluto can bring about circumstances that cause us to suffer.  There is no doubt that suffering is simply a part of life.  But it is what we do with that suffering that makes a difference.  Do we handle our grief by becoming a grief counselor in our community?  Do we break a family pattern of abuse by joining a support group so we can be better parents?  Or, do we make no changes and decide to be the victims of our circumstance?

When Pluto comes along via our transits, there will be a long window of time for us to make necessary changes which ignite self-transformation.  How dedicated we are to our self-growth and personal evolution determines how well this transit will go.  If we are prepared mentally and emotionally for this planet’s messages, we will have an easier time navigating.  But if we are resistant and fearful, we may experience unnecessary challenges. 

The good news is, we don’t have to guess about where we are being asked to transform ourselves.  We can always see what area of life Pluto is activating for us within our transit charts.  If you are wondering how to handle a Pluto transit, surrender to Pluto's promptings, accept the changes that are occurring within you (or outside of you), and pray for clarity and understanding on what you are supposed to learn at this time.     

This is my summary on the archetypal messages of the planets.  I hope you have found it helpful and informative.  If you wish to see more resources on astrology, please visit here.

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