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Taurus Season

Writer's picture: Jennifer ClairJennifer Clair

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

As we move into the zodiac sign of Taurus, it’s important to evaluate how far we’ve come in achieving the goals we set last month when the Sun went into Aries. Aries gave us the spark, the drive, and the motivation to go after our desires. Now, during this month while the sun is in Taurus, we need to get very practical and think things through in a focused manner. If we are not where we want to be, we need look back and ask ourselves, how can we work smarter not harder? Since this is also a time that Mercury is in retrograde (beginning April 1st and ending April 25th), it’s the perfect time to reflect back on the actions taken during the past few months and see how they have helped us get to where we are today. Some powerful questions to ask yourself now are: What actions have been serving me? What actions have been hindering my success? Where do I need to pour my energy and focus now in order to be more prepared to move forward when it’s time? These three pivotal questions will help you get realigned into that grounded, practical energy that Taurus wants us to embody. When we know where we’re going, we naturally feel more secure. This is also a wonderful time to take a vacation, rest a little more than usual, and create beauty somewhere in your life - whether it’s in your home, your garden, or out with family and friends. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, and Venus loves aesthetics and staying true to its values. So, take some time to reflect back on how you can create more beauty in your life and realign with what really matters to you.

We all find beauty in different things, and most of this is shaped by what we value. If you are an architect, for example, you may find beauty in well-constructed buildings. If you are a dentist, it’s a beautiful smile, and if you are a gardener, you probably take pride in your perfectly manicured flower bed. This is a time to go out of your way for beauty. And keep in mind... once we learn to love ourselves, we often find the greatest beauty in our own imperfections.

“Beauty is more than the things that are pleasing to our eyes. It is an experience of heart, mind, and soul. Beauty comes from our willingness to see the perfection in what we often call the “imperfections” of life.” ~ Gregg Braden from Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer

Beauty is a place to put our attention now – not because we are superficial or we care only about “looks,” but because true beauty brings joy and happiness to our hearts; true beauty unites and uplifts. If you’ve ever felt inspired by a beautiful sunset, or moved to tears at a romantic wedding, then you know what true beauty is.

Finding it in nature, by the way, is something Taureans love to do. Go kick off your shoes and take a barefoot stroll through the grass. Your spirit will be rejuvenated, and your mind will thank you. This is the moment to relish spring, to be excited about longer days to come, and to take stock in how far you’ve come.

In conclusion, Taurus is a sensual sign; it thrives on the physical pleasures of life. So, you may want to create more space for nurturing your body, getting a massage, and becoming more intentional with your food prep for the week. Doing this last step will help you from overindulging (one of Taurus’ weaknesses), and also ensure you get the proper nutrition from your food to help keep you grounded, satisfied, and calm – especially when things can get a little wonky over Mercury Retrograde! Above all else, be kind to yourself and connect to the beauty of mother nature that is all around us this time of year.

One final quote... because I couldn't help myself...

"To be sensual, I think, is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself, and to be present in all that one does, from the effort of loving to the breaking of bread."

~ James Baldwin

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Apr 19, 2024

Of all the Taurus people I've known in life, I can honestly say, they love to laugh and shoot the talk. Very grounded and know what they want.

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