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Four Things to Know About Aquarius

Writer's picture: Jennifer ClairJennifer Clair

Updated: 5 days ago

Each month we enter a new zodiac sign and this nudges us to align our energies with a new universal rhythm.  Thus, it’s a good time to reflect on the current sign’s characteristics because it’s likely many of them are coming out in you!  The Sun enters the sign of Aquarius in the middle of winter, starting January 19th and ending February 18th.  During these 30 days, you'll want to be conscious of and honor all the Aquarian traits arising in you! 

What exactly does this mean?  Well, each one of us is made up of ALL 12 zodiac signs.  This is because we all have a birth chart composed of 12 signs in the zodiac wheel. So, wherever you have Aquarius in your natal chart is where the Sun is currently moving through and highlighting all the Aquarian energies in you.  To get a feel for what this energy is like, here are four things you need to know about Aquarius:

  1. Aquarius Needs Space

  2. Aquarius Needs Freedom to Be itself 

  3. Aquarius Does Not Handle Emotional Clinginess Well

  4. Aquarius Has Two Planetary Rulers: Saturn and Uranus


Aquarius Needs Space

One reason for this has to do with Saturn being one of its planetary rulers, so I’ll save that explanation for the fourth point, but another reason is that Aquarians are extremely independent.  This is mainly because they need enough alone time for uninhibited ideas to flow.  Too many interruptions can kill a creative mind.  But when left to their own devices, ideas abound and creativity comes easily.  Aquarius gets rejuvenated by mental stimulation.  So… reading, writing, active thinking, and learning are all highly valued activities for an Aquarius.  It has been said that all Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra) are wired to “think” so they will naturally feel happiest when they can live in the realm of their thoughts… and have enough space to do so!

Aquarius Needs Freedom to Be Itself

This point comes in strong because of Uranus, one of Aquarius’ ruling planets.  Uranus is the planet of independence, freedom, and rebellion.  It seeks revolution and hates the status quo.  That’s why so many Aquarian types are viewed as “odd birds.”  They literally are the sign that “beats to its own drum.”  So, what can you do?  Let them be weird!  Don’t discourage their inherently eccentric nature.  Let them be free to be themselves.  They are not meant to fit in any box or conform to any group.  In fact, they’re here to reshape “the box” altogether!

Aquarians hate having restrictions put on them because it jeopardizes their personal freedom – and that’s the one thing they can’t live without. 

Aquarius Does Not Handle Emotional Clinginess Well

This point is indicative of the fact that Aquarius is an Air sign, and the element of Air gives it a special attunement to mental energy.  Aquarians are more inclined to “think” than they are to feel.  They are always looking for objective, rational solutions – not subjective, feelings-based ones. 

They live in the realm of their minds - not their emotions.  This is why Water signs may have a hard time relating to Air signs.  They may find Air signs to be insensitive or coldhearted. But the truth is, they just process emotions differently.  They need to think about how they feel before they actually feel (or show emotion).

When given enough space and time, Aquarians can be very loving, devoted partners.  But when faced with someone who is starved of attention and affection, Aquarians will likely run the other way.  And it’s not because they don’t care.  It’s because they simply don’t know how to handle all that emotional energy. 

*Important side note: If someone has an Aquarius Sun but a Water Moon (Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer), they will have a much easier time feeling their emotions and expressing empathy.  As ever, we must not forget to take into account the entire elemental makeup when analyzing a natal chart.

But back to Aquarius… these folks have intellectually wired brains.  Their instinct is to come up with solutions and solve problems.  In order to do this, they must detach themselves from the outer distractions of daily life – and especially strong emotions that may cloud their reasoning abilities.

Aquarius Has Two Planetary Rulers, Saturn and Uranus

Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius and Saturn is the traditional one.  Why this matters is because it gives Aquarius two distinct sides.  On the one hand, Aquarius needs solitude and hermit time away from people (Saturn) and on the other, it needs to be a part of groups and organizations to share its brilliance and create change (Uranus). 

Having two planetary rulers comes with some complications, however…  For one, there is a strong desire for freedom and individuation (Uranus) while also a strong need for structure and discipline (Saturn). 

A good saying for an Aquarius to live by is: “Discipline and structure bring freedom.” 


Self-liberation comes only after learning the rules, mastering them, and then having the courage to break/change them.  As famous Evolutionary Astrologer, Steven Forrest, says in his book, Air: The Art of Paying Attention: 

“You can only individuate if you have something to individuate against.”  

Thus, Aquarians wouldn’t appear so strange or rebellious if there was nothing they needed to rebel against (for the sake of evolutionary progress).  Just to give some examples of Aquarian “change makers” throughout history, let me name a few…

-Abraham Lincoln

-Charles Darwin

-Thomas Edison

-Rosa Parks

-Oprah Winfrey

These people changed the course of history and brought forth revolutionary ideas with their courage and willingness to think “outside the box.”

In summary

If you are an Aquarius or you have strong Aquarian energy in your chart, know that what was stated above by Steven Forrest is paramount to honoring your path.  If there was nothing to individuate against, how would you know what you stand for?  Or what your purpose is?  Life may be easier if you never express your thoughts or face rejection, but conforming to societal norms will never feel “normal” to an Aquarius.  They’ll always be challenged by resistance to the very things they’re supposed to become. 

Evolutionary growth could not happen otherwise.  People will challenge us, life will challenge us, and it’s our job not to back down.  So, when you're facing judgment or condemnation, don’t let that stop you.  Let it motivate you.  Let it remind you that you are exactly where you're supposed to be.  The more courage you develop and the more perseverance you practice the more impact you will make on humanity – whether you see evidence of this in your lifetime or not.

Not sure where Aquarius lies in your chart?  Click here for a personalized reading.

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