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Living Intentionally With the Planets

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Learning to connect with the planets’ energies every day of the week will give you a focus and an emotional map for Sunday through Monday.

Let’s start with some brief history. Although most of us in Western society consider Monday the first day of the week, the seven-day week was adopted in early Christianity from the Hebrew calendar which was copied from the Babylonians. Sunday was considered the first day of the week then because it was associated with the day of the Sun God, Sol Invictus, and the Lord’s Day.

The Romans named the days of the week after their Gods which also corresponded to the planets of Hellenistic astrology in the order of: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. (The Romans considered the Moon and Sun planets.)

Here is a list of the days of the week with their associated planet:

Sunday: Sun “The Day of the Sun”

Monday: Moon “The Day of the Moon”

Tuesday: Mars “The Day of Mars”

Wednesday: Mercury “The Day of Mercury”

Thursday: Jupiter “The Day of Jupiter”

Friday: Venus “The Day of Venus”

Saturday: Saturn “The Day of Saturn”

*The order of these planets in conjunction with the weekdays is governed by the planetary positions of the planets in our solar system. (Feel free to research more about this topic on your own if you’d like. It is fascinating and complex!)

But for now, let’s get onto the fun stuff! What can you take away from the understanding that a specific planet is associated with a particular day of the week?

Let’s start with Sunday. Sunday is ruled by the Sun, and this is a day for going out and shining your light all over town! You are meant to be connecting with others on Sunday, celebrating life, and feeling warm and generous. It’s also a day to honor God (or whatever deity, element, or Spirit animal you choose)! It’s a day to give thanks and rejoice for all you have, and to accept the outside support that’s pouring blessings down upon you all the time.

Here is my affirmation for Sunday: “Today I celebrate and rejoice. I connect and I receive. I put myself out there for all the world to see, and my courage is rewarded abundantly. I honor my Source in all that I do and take time to feel devotion towards my own Guru."

Monday: With the Moon present here, I tap into the Divine Feminine. I connect to Mother Earth and allow myself to be more reflective, more gentle, and more intuitively focused - versus logically concerned. The Moon is emotionally perceptive and needs solitude. Thus, Mondays are actually one of the BEST days to take off work and nurture yourself.

Monday affirmation: “Today I give myself time to rest, time to reflect, and time to connect with my inner self. I allow myself time to feel and I give myself space to be revealed. There is no hurry here, just a day to be taken in peace, at my own pace, and in my own way. On Mondays, I connect to my heart, and I trust my intuition most easily.” Tuesday is associated with Mars, the planet of action and drive. If Monday was a good day to rest and gather your strength, Tuesday is a great day to use your energy and be productive. This is a day you may feel feisty, enthusiastic, and up for a challenge. It’s a great day to plan a gym workout or put more on your “proverbial plate” than you have before. Be optimistic because you have the potential to get a lot done. You are bold, courageous, and spontaneous today. Just watch out for feelings of impatience arising and don’t let your impulsiveness get the best of you. Think before you act, and channel your considerable energies wisely (like into the tasks on your to-do list)!

Tuesday’s affirmation: “I feel empowered today, and I get a lot done. I have energy to complete the tasks at hand, and I am driven to tackle any new challenges that arise. I am self-reliant, self-motivated, and self-focused in a healthy way.”

Wednesday is Mercury’s Day and thus it rules our communications and abilities to use the power of our minds. When we engage in critical thinking, share ideas with a group, and listen actively to others, we are honoring the Messenger God in us. This is an excellent day to write, teach, and convey information. If Mercury is in retrograde, it is still the best day of the week to engage in these activities, however, you’ll just want to use more discernment in your delivery.

Wednesday affirmation: “I am highly perceptive and attuned to my Higher Mind today. I am receiving insights and downloads rapidly which I integrate into my communications and share with others. I use my words wisely, kindly, and with the objective to uplift. I am conscientious, intuitive, and intelligent.”

Thursday is Jupiter’s Day, and this means that good luck, fortune, and abundance are highly probable for all who believe they are worthy to receive. Jupiter is considered the great benefic, and thus, if you are expecting good things to happen to you in life, Thursday is the day you want to stay most optimistic and take appropriate action steps that you feel intuitively drawn to do. Align with the energies of Jupiter by thinking big, dreaming big, and reminding yourself of your worthiness to receive.

Thursday affirmation: “I am worthy to receive, and I am now allowing in all the good that’s been created for me. I am intentional; focusing my mind on all the beneficial outcomes available to me. I align my positive expectations with Divinely inspired ideas and feel waves of gratitude passing through me. I am generous with others, giving towards myself, and hopeful about my future.”

Friday is the day of our Lady Venus and it’s about connecting to all the blessings she has to bestow upon us. These include love, beauty, and financial matters. She rules over all the things we value and hold dear to our hearts, and so today is an excellent day to get in touch with our own personal values. It is also a day to go out and connect to loved ones, have fun, and use our financial resources to celebrate the gift of life in ways that nourish our souls. Perhaps you are going to take action on making yourself feel more beautiful on the outside – such as getting your hair or nails done. Or maybe you want to beautify your home environment and feel a deeper appreciation for all the beauty that surrounds you every day. Above all, Venus’ message is for us to see and recognize the beauty that’s within and honor who we are in all we do.

Friday affirmation: “Today I celebrate the gift of love and all it has brought me in my life. Today I celebrate my financial resources and all the blessings they have created for me in my life. Today I celebrate the beauty that surrounds me, the beauty that I have created, and the beauty that has yet to be expressed through me. Today I am gratefully living in alignment with all the miracles of love.”

Saturday is our day to recognize Saturn’s importance in our lives. For without Saturn, much like Mars, we would not have the drive and initiative to go create the lives we’ve been dreaming of. Saturn gives us the tools of self-motivation and self-discipline to accomplish our goals. Saturn represents the authority figure in us all that instills a sense of responsibility which encourages productive action to be taken out in the world.

Though most of us perceive Saturday as a “day off” day, it would behoove us to take more actions derived towards accomplishing our personal and professional goals on Saturdays. For this day is imbued with the energy of taking responsible action and keeping a hard work ethic which means it’s extra dedicated to getting things done. Maybe this will help you reconsider how you spend your time on Saturday.

Saturday affirmation: “Today I am a powerhouse of productivity. I take wise and thoughtful actions to see my goals realized. I feel self-disciplined and focused to keep moving forward at a steady, practical pace. I am responsible, grounded, and ever aware of how my progress today benefits my peace of tomorrow.”

*One more important note about Saturn: If the Moon is in Capricorn, it’s wise to heed the advice from above and act as if it were a Saturday. This is because the Moon sets the emotional tone of the day and so if the Moon is in Capricorn, guess what planet is ruling your emotional tone? You guessed it, Saturn!

There you have it! All my inspirations for aligning your thoughts and actions to every day of the week! Please keep in mind, however, that my affirmations are simply suggestions to get your own trains of thought moving, and only you know the best wording that will inspire creative actions through you. So be imaginative… and use the power of the planets to help you align your energies every day!

Namaste ~

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