Fall is a season loved by many. The leaves are turning beautiful colors, the air smells crisp and refreshing, and the children everywhere are brimming with excitement to dress up in Halloween costumes and go trick-or-treating. There is definitely magic in the air, and Scorpio is the perfect sign to lead us into it.
Scorpio is hands down the most mysterious sign of the zodiac. Being a fixed water sign, Scorpio is the least likely to share what’s on its mind. It’s not as flexible and easily swayed as the other signs. It’s good at being reliable and loyal, but not as eager for change. And when we have just reached the middle of fall, who wants to change anyway?! I know if there was one season I could stay in forever, it would be fall! But with this choice comes the permanence of Scorpio energy; the deep, probing, intensity that beckons us to continuously re-evaluate ourselves, our lives, and our stage of evolutionary growth.
Scorpio is not only a fixed sign, but a water sign, and the water element rules our emotions. So, this combo of fixed and water equals a sign that is least likely to emotionally accept change. They can get stuck in a rut, have a hard time giving things up, and value material comforts to a fault. This is because no matter how many material possessions they acquire, Scorpios always fear potential loss.
When Scorpios realize their greatest sense of security lies within, then no matter how much outer change occurs, they will always feel their sense of safety inside. Meditation is highly beneficial for this sign because it allows their mental chatter to stop. It allows space for the Higher Wisdom to enter. At that point, there is less attachment to the outer world and less fear of loss.
If you like inner psychological work, this is your season. If you’re intrigued by self-transformational processes, you’ve come at the right time. This is not a place for the faint of heart, but for the brave souls who dare to discover the depths of their own unconscious minds. And with this, the disturbing mental constructs that have been cemented into our psyches, holding us back from achieving our full potential in life.
If you are wondering how to enter this unconscious realm, here are some good questions for reflection:
Where have you been holding back your true emotions?
Where have you felt anger and resentment creep in?
What quiet voice has been beckoning you for a while to make a change? Or simply, to listen to it?
Now is the time to address these inner nudges. It is a time for processing and psychoanalysis, for therapy, and for shadow work. As the days draw shorter, and the darkness settles in, we light a candle and honor this blackness, this void, not afraid to let it be. For with it comes the invitation to go within, to discard the obligations and responsibilities of the outer world. For now, we have been granted a permission slip from the Universe to get reacquainted with our own feelings, our own needs, and our forgotten selves.
Scorpios navigate best in the dark
Scorpio is not shy to look deeply into the scary, dark, or taboo topics of life. In fact, it likes to navigate in the dark! This comes naturally to it, which is why, in the society we live in today, Scorpio has a harder time than most. People often like to push the “hard stuff” under the rug and not talk about it, but this hard stuff is Scorpio’s domain. Scorpios are the counselors and mystics of the zodiac who aren’t afraid to listen and be present with the unraveling of psychological wounds and traumas that all of society bears.
What Scorpio needs to guard against, however, is staying in this place of hurt too long. It needs some uplifting friends to keep it from wallowing in the depressing aspects of life. Yes, it’s good to be honest with oneself and work towards change, but it is also imperative for joy and happiness to have their place.
Scorpios benefit from regular psychological reflection, and when they commit to it, they can become the wise men and women of society, inspiring those around them with their own dedication to their inner work.
There is so much to be said about inner work. When done consistently, our outer life circumstances shift miraculously fast. Inner work is like meditation. You don’t always notice the effects of it while you are doing it, but in the days and weeks ahead, powerful changes begin to occur.
One type of inner work exercise is connecting to your inner child. This is just one of many archetypes we all carry in our energy field, but clearing inner child blocks can be extremely powerful in helping you attract in your desires more quickly (since most of the time, the reason we can’t bring them into our existence in the first place is because we have unconscious emotional beliefs from childhood that are holding us back). This is also why just saying affirmations does not always work. We have to change our vibration - and that begins with changing our beliefs and that begins with knowing what our unconscious beliefs are in the first place.
All of this is Scorpio’s domain. Doing all this is the very definition of self-transformation.
One technique you might try to break loose these unconsciously stored limited beliefs is tapping (or EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique). I have found this simple practice to create more miraculous results in my own life than anything else.
Spirit Animals for Scorpio
If you have prominent Scorpio energy, you may want to befriend the owl, as this is the bird of night and darkness. The owl helps us see clairvoyantly beyond the realm of our five senses. Like the owls flying through the night, Scorpios are often silent. They keep their thoughts to themselves and do not easily reveal how they feel. And though there is a time to hold back and keep things in, there is also a time to ask, “Have I become emotionally unavailable?” Emotionally unavailable for fear of being seen for who or what I really am?
Another animal totem that came strongly into my awareness as I typed this blog, was raven. Raven is a perfect guide for Scorpio because it is about magic and bringing the unconscious material to the conscious mind. Raven asks us to reveal that which has been hidden and reminds us all about the power of facing our inner fears and self-created demons. With raven’s medicine, we can enter the darkness of the void; the Great Mystery of life and come back with answers to help humanity.
To conclude my thoughts about Scorpio, I want to say that I appreciate all the Scorpios who have been teachers in my own life. For I often say that Scorpios are some of the hardest signs to counsel because it is very hard to read what’s on their minds! But at the same time, I have found that when people ask them enough questions and become genuinely interested in their lives, Scorpios are happy to open up and share what they are thinking. The key factor in their ability to open up to you is whether or not you have earned their trust. If you have earned a Scorpio's trust, and you come to one of them for advice, you will be pleasantly surprised by their honesty, frankness, and downright realness to speak what’s often left unsaid by others.
I hope you are not left feeling intimidated, but rather inspired to enter this season with curiosity about yourself and courage to accept change. Imagine what the world would be like if we [psychologically] lived as though it were fall forever. Would we not be a little more inquisitive and interested in our own self-growth processes? And aware of how our reactions might hurt others? Would we not all be a little more conscious about our feelings and the feelings of others? I hope, if nothing else, this blog makes you think about how you are tending to your own emotions. And perhaps, where you could shine a bit more light into the dark corners of your psyche.