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Chiron in Taurus: The Wound of Never Enough

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

In astrology, Chiron is an asteroid that represents the wounded healer archetype. Wherever we have Chiron in our chart shows us where we carry our deepest wound. In this post, however, there is only one point I want to make about Chiron: Though we may or may not ever fully heal this wound, it does not mean we cannot live very happy, satisfying lives.

Once we recognize how our wound is affecting us, it is then up to us to implement positive belief structures that will allow us to live with more grace and have more forgiveness for our shortcomings.

What is grace? Grace is acceptance and unconditional love amongst imperfection.

Grace is coming to the belief that you are okay even if you don’t feel okay.

It's granting yourself permission to forgive yourself without needing to understand, analyze, or figure anything out. It’s allowing your soul to transcend the ego and embrace the divine perfection that you are. All of this is what I think about when I think about Chiron.

So, what does it mean to have Chiron in the sign of Taurus in your birth chart? Well, if you were born between May 28th, 1976 and April 10th, 1984, you may have your Chiron in Taurus. I say "may" because there is a period in which Chiron enters Gemini briefly and then retrogrades back into Taurus, so please check an ephemeris for exact dates and times.

If you find that you have your Chiron in Taurus, then you have the core wound of never feeling like you are enough. Chiron in Taurus is the fear that you are not enough, the belief that you will not ever be enough, and the memory that you were not enough as a child.

The good news is, once the fear is reconciled and recognized for what it is - a fear and not a fact - the true healing begins.

This wound may have originated from being hurt by someone you love and trust. It may have caused you to believe there was something you did or something that was inherently wrong with you, and now you need to overcome this shortcoming in yourself. It could have been from a betrayal, or any situation that brought about feelings of lack in you. It can also stem from a feeling of scarcity, and literally not having enough material possessions to feel safe and secure growing up.

There is a tendency to fear that you will not receive what is yours to receive, so you work extra hard to try and make sure your work is “enough." This is where the “fear of lack” comes in from an emotional standpoint (being displayed in the real world through your efforts of overachieving) which directly correlates to your feelings of “there’s never enough” connecting back to lack of material resources or simply money.

If this is you, then it would make sense why you have had a hard time letting people give to you or allowing yourself to receive from them - without trying very hard - or doing very much. But when you heal this wound, you allow yourself to receive freely, and you realize that you are worth WAY more than you ever knew.

Regardless of whether this wound is about physically lacking the things that you need, or psychologically lacking the feelings of worthiness and self-esteem, what you need to know is that you can overcome it.

You can overcome it by accepting that although you may feel unworthy, or undeserving of love, abundance, happiness, etc., this feeling is not the truth of who you are. It is an illusion; a wound you may have held onto, but one you do not have to keep reliving. The truth is that you are, and always have been whole, perfect, and complete. There is nothing in you that has ever been lost. No matter your past, or your perceived wounds, there is nothing that can ever take away from your wholeness, your perfection, and your grace.

The only way you let Chiron defeat you, is if you let these feelings of lack, or this sense of powerlessness, keep you from showing up in the world and sharing your gifts.

We all have imperfections, we all have character defects, and we all succumb to temptation once in a while. We fail to live up to our own high standards. This is life. This is what happens when our soul decides to come down here and inhabit a human body. A body that ages, a body that experiences trauma, and a body that does things which the ego cannot control.

Thus, it is important to keep remembering to love ourselves anyway; to keep coming back to ourselves - that core essence in each of us that is our Higher Self. We must remember that the only person we’re going to have with us throughout our whole entire lives is our Self. So we must stop seeking others' approval now and start remembering our own divinity. When we recognize that the only person's approval we really need in this lifetime, is our own, we can finally start to heal the Chiron wound in Taurus.

Then, it is up to us to share our gifts with the world - even if we do not feel we have what it takes. Because it is through our service to others that we end up healing ourselves. This is the whole point of having the wound in the first place: to use our places of "perceived woundedness" to connect with others; to share ourselves openly, vulnerably, and to accept our so-called shortcomings so that we can help others heal theirs.

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