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Astrology and Your Finances

Writer's picture: Jennifer ClairJennifer Clair

One of the most common questions I get asked is, “What can you tell me about my finances?”  Understandably, people are concerned about such a primal need: security.  But one thing they often forget to think about is how their attitude towards money is keeping it from them.


In this blog, I will address favorable astrological placements and what possibilities exist for increased prosperity. However, I first have to preface this with the fact that no matter how much of a “money magnet” your chart says you are, if you are not vibrating at a frequency of security, wealth is not likely to last.


What do I mean by vibrating at a frequency of security?  I mean feeling what it feels like to already have the money you need.  How worthy do you feel right now?  If everything is vibrating at a certain frequency and yours is closer to a state of lack, fear, or anxiety, you are not a match to how having money actually feels.


There is a phrase I love by Abraham Hicks: “You must offer the vibration before the manifestation!”  Many of us on the spiritual path are already aware of this concept, but for those of you who are not, I highly recommend the book: “Money, and The Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness” by Jerry and Esther Hicks.


Astrological Placements in Your Natal Chart That May Signify Wealth:

Your natal chart is comprised of 12 areas of life (called houses).  Houses two and eight are generally seen as the “money houses.”  If you have Jupiter or Venus in either of these houses, you may find that money, good fortune, and abundance come in easily for you.  The second house is about you earning money from your own efforts, while the eighth house is money you receive from others (think your spouse, inheritances, or any other joint finances that come from being in a partnership).


Now, sometimes, Jupiter in the 11th house can bless you with money from the groups you associate with, or Jupiter in the 5th house can bless you with abundance through your creativity.  Thus, money can come from virtually any area of life with Jupiter or Venus present.  This is why having an awareness of your astrological placements is key!  If you don’t know where things are, you don’t know where to put your energy.


Other houses to look at are the 10th house of career, the 6th house of daily work (how you serve others), and the first house of self.  I have seen people with Jupiter in the first house bring in money from their very presence; their appearance, and the fact that they are “lucky” in their ability to draw in opportunities and people who want to help them.


Astrological Transits to Increase the Probability of Wealth

With transiting planets, it’s favorable to follow Jupiter and Venus through your chart and see where they are and when.  As they move into specific houses, that’s where you want to pay attention and apply more effort.  A bit more complicated, is looking for favorable aspects between Jupiter and Venus that are occurring.  Many people plan important decisions around positive aspects between these transiting planets (as long as neither one is in retrograde).  If you are interested in learning where to put your focus now for increased abundance and prosperity, you can do that through a transit reading here. 


A Note About Karma

If you are thinking of how you can obtain wealth without working for it, you are coming from a place of lack within yourself.  You are projecting an attitude of fear that says, “I must not be good enough to earn money myself, so I need to rely on someone else who can provide it for me.”  Even if you don’t consciously think you believe this, whenever we look outside ourselves for anything (love, money, security, etc.) we always attract a person or situation that reflects our own feelings of lack.  Thus, you can’t lie to the Universe.  It always knows your deepest feeling states, so it’s best to start thinking about ways you can improve your “financial self-worth” by doing inner work.  Then you naturally attract people and circumstances to you that fulfill your needs.


Another Perspective to Consider

How much of the time do we really want money itself?  Isn’t it more the feeling of having money that we seek?  If so, why not start thinking about changing your lifestyle so that you can feel the effects of having money without needing to increase your income at all?  Funny enough, once you stop fretting about having more money and become content with what you have, the Universe usually starts bringing more of it your way because you are a vibrational match! 


It is important to note that Jupiter and Venus are not the only planets that can bring us abundance.  Uranus, the planet of sudden change and surprises, can (for better or worse) sometimes impact our finances.  Think of Uranus transiting the 8th house of death and a loved one passes away leaving you with an inheritance.  Clearly, this is not the way we want to come across money, but it is worth noting that Uranus can cause changes which lead to things that come “out of the blue.”  Maybe it’s an unexpected promotion you receive when Uranus enters your 10th house of career.  Again, the possibilities are endless.  The real question is, are you aware of the timing and what's happening in your life to capitalize on the gains that could be yours? 


In Conclusion

Your birth chart and your transit chart are maps to your success and happiness.  But it’s up to you to activate their potential.  Whether it’s increased finances, love, or more fulfilling work, you have to first become a magnet for what you want by doing the inner work and changing your vibration.  A wonderful book to help you release blocks around money is “Tapping Into Wealth” by Margaret M. Lynch.  Once you are aligned from the inside out, your chart can be used to guide you into one advantageous situation after the next. 

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1 Comment

Apr 23, 2024

Very valuable. A note about Karma. Our perspective is our key. Thank you.

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