I cannot tell you how many clients I see with significant spiritual gifts who say, “To me, it’s not a gift.”
From an outsider’s perspective, being psychic, being able to connect to those on the other side, or simply being highly clairvoyant, are skills I wish came more naturally to me.
I know I am intuitive in my own way, but I work hard to develop my skills. For those whose abilities come so naturally, I wonder why they wouldn't consider them a blessing. So, I wanted to write a blog on why people with such incredible gifts would deny them.
These are the top three reasons I have found why people deny or repress their gifts:
1) Conditioning
We have been conditioned since birth on how to behave. We were taught what behaviors were acceptable and pleasing and which were not. We learned how to act in order to survive and thrive in society. This ingrained patterning became so instinctive that our attitudes and behaviors became habits. Now, we fear going against the grain because of what others might think of us. Thus, if one of our gifts seems too "out there" or woo-woo we keep it hidden and protected.
It takes conscious effort - even after becoming consciously aware of what we are hiding -to evolve and start implementing new beliefs about our gifts. Two tools that may help you overcome fears or limiting beliefs are EFT (emotional freedom technique) and using positive affirmations daily - with feeling - to train your brain to think differently.
2) Fear of rejection
Let's say you have overcome your conditioning and now you are aware of your gifts, and you've even accepted the fact that someone out there may benefit from them. How confident do you feel in expressing them publically? Usually, there is a fear of rejection that creeps in next... we fear that we will be laughed at if we admit what we believe/do and this limits us from ever developing the skills necessary to really thrive and become masters at our craft - which would benefit others tremendously.
It is completely understandable to fear being rejected. After all, no one wants to be stripped of love and acceptance (or respect) for simply acknowledging their unique gifts. No one wants to feel abandoned and alone in a world where teamwork and cooperation make it so much easier to live. But if we are here to evolve, we’ll evolve much faster by trusting that we are never really alone. This gives us the courage to face rejection because we know it's only temporary. The Universe is benevolent, and it's just waiting for us to say yes to our gifts so it can align us to the next person or circumstance that will support our visions, help us achieve our purpose, and recognize our value.
3) Losing the security that has been gained through living enough life
Many people are more than halfway through their lives when they come in for a reading. These folks are secure and stable in their life. It would be hard to change their lifestyle which has been built up over time and is to some degree enjoyable. So, many do not. Revealing and acting upon one’s gifts requires courage. And it often requires a change in lifestyle and the willingness to head down a new path. You can ask yourself now what’s most important: that you use your inherent talents to serve others in meaningful ways. Or, that you keep living the way you are because safety and security are valued more.
No judgment either way. You are the only one who knows deep down if you are really happy. And isn't that the whole point of life anyway? I just had a birthday two days ago, and I told my husband, I have never been so happy in my life. It wasn't because of a celebration or major accomplishment, it was because I felt so aligned to my purpose; so content with my life. Really, what greater joy is there? Then to know you are doing what you came here to do, and feel it deep down in your bones. I would rather work seven days a week than take a vacation. And I think that's a good indication (for all of us) that we've found our meaningful work in the world and discovered channels to express our gifts.
A word of warning: you may have to leave the comfort of a corporate job, take a significant pay cut, or disappoint (rather, astound) others in your life. But whose life are you here to live anyway? What if you knew you only had one year left to live? How would that change your priorities and what decisions would you start making for yourself right now?
How to come back to your true self and accept your gifts instead of running from them
Your natal chart spells out your gifts. If you are willing to trust that you have these gifts for a reason and that you are supposed to use them, that alone can help you build confidence to develop them. No matter how scary it might feel, the natal chart always reflects spiritual gifts that we have - whether we’re using them or not.
My question is: why would you have gifts if you’re not supposed to use them? And are you truly happy in your life right now, knowing that you’re not?
Speaking from personal experience, when you commit to developing your gifts, you often find miracles occurring to assist you. Every worry you have is only in the 3-dimensional world of “hows” and “shoulds.” Your Higher Self knows that these questions are not of importance. Faith is the only ingredient you need. Faith in yourself and the Universe to provide when you step onto a new path. And… IT always does. Because when you open up to your spiritual gifts, you see that everything you’ve always wanted and needed is provided to you. It takes courage, but life becomes so much richer and more magical when you trust in it to provide what you need.
I hope this blog has encouraged you to take a leap of faith and express your inherent gifts. Always remember: you are a powerful co-creator, and astrology can be your greatest tool for discovering and expressing the traits and skills you came here to use. I wish you great happiness on your journey and many blessings along your path as you step forward to share the gifts that have been calling you all along.
Not sure what your gifts are? I’m happy to help reveal them to you through a natal chart reading here.
