On October 10th, 2023, Pluto stations direct and heads for Aquarius. On January 20th, 2024, Pluto will arrive in Aquarius after almost 15 years in Capricorn. While many astrologers forecast harsh conditions ahead, I prefer to focus on what we can do as individuals to make this a smoother transition for all. If Pluto in Capricorn turned the spotlight on authority figures all over the world and certainly revealed the “dark forces” within them, we now have to see what the dark face of Aquarius is so we can guard against those pitfalls and focus on bringing out the positives of this sign. If Pluto’s job is ultimately about making us see what we don’t like to see (our shadow sides) and face the ugly truths, then what dark secrets have we been keeping from ourselves and how can we use Aquarius energy to bring them to light in the gentlest way possible? As an Aquarius myself, I think about my negative traits: being too close-minded when I have an idea I believe in strongly, being too independent even when I am in a marriage and have devoted myself to share a life with another person, rebelling against working with others as a team because I much prefer solo work. I can spend too much time in isolation and not care what I am missing out on. I love to be alone with my own thoughts, but at what cost? What am I missing out on by being so aloof? Well, a lot really. If Aquarius is ultimately here to help humanity, how can it do that if it’s always locking itself away from others? What it needs to develop is patience and tolerance. Patience with those who may take a bit longer to get on the progressive bandwagon and tolerance with those who will make it to their grave and be reincarnated into another life before changing at all. What can we do? Take personal responsibility for every action we take. Follow the wisdom of Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone – create a new habit that supports a better you, learn something you’ve never considered, put your innovative ideas out there for others to benefit from, and consider joining a group for a cause you believe in - even if you’ve always considered yourself a "loner." The dangers of Pluto entering Aquarius is a world where everyone breaks away from society and wants to do things only for themselves - only their own way. Yes, independent thinkers will rise and the demand for individual rights and freedoms will surface, but we cannot forget at our core, we ARE all the same. We’re all created from the same Source and we need to recognize our Oneness now more than ever.
As the energies surrounding us will encourage individualism and progressive thought, we have to not let that slip into separatism. We still have to stay involved, get involved, and keep our social groups alive. We need to remind ourselves that we all need each other to thrive.
The world may need a revolution and a complete transformation, but we have to look to Aquarius in order to learn exactly how to do that. Aquarius is our teacher and spiritual guru now until 2044 when Pluto passes into Pisces. So, to keep you focused on all the positive aspects of Pluto in Aquarius, here is a list of the beneficial attributes of Aquarius that you can work on bringing out in yourself:
-Humanitarian A wise person once said to me, “If you don’t deal with your story, your story will deal with you.” This is a great time to review any negative, self-defeating stories you keep replaying in your mind or telling others about yourself and your life. What is the new story you’d like to be telling?
In addition to telling a better story, also consider all the things you keep saying you will do but then fail to do. What is it that you are allowing to distract you from your important goals? House chores? Social media? Over-exercising? Or any other time-wasting activities that keep you from pursuing what your soul really wants you to do.
When we keep ignoring the things we know deep down need to get done, that’s when Pluto’s energy strikes harshly. So, don’t let it get to that point where crises or sickness must come along to get your attention. I firmly believe that Pluto doesn’t have to be so hard if we listen to all the nudges we get from our Highest Self along the way.
There’s one crucial question, however, that you should be asking yourself at this time: What’s really important to me right now? If there was one thing you could express about yourself that you haven’t, and that would make you feel complete, what would it be? And “How does that one thing benefit others?”
Aquarius embraces individual expression which then encourages others to do the same. With Aquarius in Pluto, we have to guard against the mindset of “my way or the highway” and be sure that our expressions are truly heartfelt, helpful, and supportive to all. By creating better values within ourselves and becoming the best individuals we can be, we can come together in a unified community that supports the best for everyone.
