Pluto is about bringing your shadows to light, bringing the unconscious to the conscious. To delve into what this recent transit of Pluto into Aquarius means, we first have to unpack a few things. No matter which sign Pluto finds itself in, it always deals with power. It asks us:
How are we standing in our power in a healthy, effective way?
Are we using or abusing our power? Or are we giving it away?
You may have heard that Pluto is a challenging planet, and this is generally because it causes us to change whether we feel ready or prepared to or not. And our resisting it only makes matters worse. So, it’s not inherently bad, it’s just asking you to surrender to its wishes. And many of us struggle to let go of the perceived control we think we have over our lives.
However, when we learn what Pluto wants, and recognize where it’s showing up in our lives (look at what house Pluto is in in your chart), then we can get a better grasp on what we need to do.
Basically, it all comes down to: are you living your life with integrity? Are you being true to your soul’s calling or are you playing the victim and complaining why you can’t live your best life? Pluto will help put an end to whatever area is not in congruent with your soul’s evolution. Recognize that I said “your soul’s” not your personality’s. This is why Pluto is associated with death and rebirth. If you are ready to surrender, you will have an easier time dealing with Pluto’s demands. And there will be blessings and unexpected opportunities that present themselves once you muster the courage to change course.
Aquarius is all about freedom, revolution, and individuation. This can be problematic when we have a lot of different viewpoints floating around and nobody cares about others’ desires. There is a shadow side to every planet and every sign, just like there is a shadow side to every human being. Thus, we must do our own shadow work to properly roll with this planetary tide.
In the positive, Aquarius can unite humanity with its inventive, progressive, and helpful ideas. But first, we have to let go of what no longer serves us. We must make room for miracles. And Aquarius supplies us with lightning-fast insights which when acted upon, can be the catalyst for change in the greater collective.
Besides power, transformation is a keyword for Pluto. And, it is when we do our shadow work (investigate the wounded parts of ourselves and the areas we could improve) that Pluto’s greatest blessings of transformation can come. These blessings include increased personal power, passion, and rebirth.
With Pluto grabbing everyone’s attention now, we must remember the most important lesson of all: surrender. Surrender to what shows up – rather than resist it. Ask how you can grow through the situation – rather than fight against it or go into denial about it. And lastly, surrender to your Higher Power, Spiritual Guides, or Angels. In this world, perhaps the best news of all, is that we are never alone. There is always the Divine waiting for us, no matter what’s going on with the planets. All we have to do is ask for assistance. For those of you already walking the spiritual path, Pluto’s influence will likely shine a spotlight on any area of your life that is not fully aligned with your truth. Which means, wherever you are not being honest with yourself, you’re going to have to start telling the truth. Pluto tends to exacerbate out fears. So whether your fear is flying in an airplane or confronting your boss about a well-deserved raise, you are going to have added pressure now to face those fears. And remember what I said earlier about resisting and ignoring what needs to be changed? If you don’t assert yourself now, Pluto will - in its own volatile way. The whole point of a Pluto transit is to remind you to step into your power. If you are living in integrity, standing in your power, and shining your light by showing up authentically in the world, then you might not even notice this transit! But most of us are not. So Pluto is our wakeup call reminder to start changing our act before change is forced upon us.